Yesterday, I've send my
piranha to
Chonghock at around kiulap with
Mxplode... and asked them if they could repair my piranha and the cashier ask her workmate... he quickly said "can't fix headset here"... so we went out for awhile to get money from Mxplode's father to buy something... that something will be post by him don't worry xD.. after receiving the
$$ we went back in a buy that thing..ehehe... and then we tell them about my
piranha without the that guy... then she ask her another workmate or the boss... i dont remember ... and asked that if i still have the reciept or not.. so they can change it with a new one... unfortunately i've lost it... darn!!!! and then he told me that he'll send it to the supplier and mybe they could fix it... so now i have to wait if its can be fix or not..
Oh yeah me
b0Nd and
Mxplode watched Ironman already.. YEAH!!!!! ITS SIOKKKK!!!! ahaha
This is my spray logo!!!

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