*Superman that hoe* HAHAH sorry my bad XD
Haha.. Okay.. I was just messing around.. Hehh.. But still it seemed like it IS a headquarter.. Pasal all the three of us, b0Nd, Demo and Sirian, were gathering and all the laptops were in the same room; excluding the CS server pnya lappy.. hahah.. That's why kami tdi nda lagg main.. hehh (A) The server was actually just a test server.. So far it can only occupy 7 players at most because it 's running on 512 kbps (brunei's max speed).. Not high enough unless it's a dedicated server.. hmph..=( Nda apa la.. Nextime saja we'll talk abt the server..=DD Anyway, here are some of the pictures.. hehh.. Enjoy !

pshhh show off xp

redza mcm timbaland here hahah

The Producer for CS tunes

Apa zarip?! tampar krg hahah nada wah XD ko kiut HAHA yeah right. kambang tia.

You know what this looks like, so no comment hahaha

Owh that's MooMoo..! xD And and if u were wondering why Demo was with the mike, the mike does work in the game.. hahah.. xD
Posted by b0Nd
Powered by dots (nah, just kidding haha)