Thursday, March 13, 2008

The Breado Yes Breado..Indonesian XD

Mxplode/ Rifdi Here

Since you guys nada post anything, I'll just post some random stuff. Okeh first of all, Zmah's Birthday today, iathkan we decided to escape our afternoon block HEHE, we went to Little M(lurus kah tu? haha) to buy like fake beard, mustache etc. Then we went to jey's house to get coats and stuff.Skali skali..Well malas plg ku crita, I'll just upload pics hahaha

I miss my beard =(

Oh yeah, I also dared Jey/mamduh to wear the beard ke kadai(I dont know the name of the shop, iath nda specific HEHE) The kalings there were like 'atu baru yaa' HAHAHA and and ada lgi indon rah kadai kasut ckp 'Itu macam dari harry potter' HAHAHA..Gila eh msa di PTE wah, We thought sikit urg wah, skalinya gilaaaaaa atu ramai masih hahah..We were like 'we're all in this together' HAHAH LAME EH HAHAHA

Oh yeah, Baru ku ingat, Zarip/Demo said 'If kan post atu jangan alang-alang bla bla bla' sooooooo Im gonna write moreeeee mwhahahahah. I'm impressed with the header that Hauxx/Hakim made, Keep it up dude..Beat me in graphics HEHEHE

I hugged Sirian/Redza tdi (oh yeah!!) HAHAHA It felt good tpi sayang, bcs ya nada boobs HAHAHA, wanted to chat with the guys tadi bt ntah nada ku mood eh..Mcm urg menses saja wah hahah..Soooo anyways..wait..ehh bond/zZul nda skulah tdi ahhh..Boringg
g, baik jua kami paksa zZulle/indon to stay HEHE biar ya eh, dude if ur reading this ku mau minjam crita 'The Notebook' HAHAHA

Oh oh 'Shut ur fucking face uncle fucker =)' I miss south park haha

I laike this song I dont know why haha
We can go to the tropics
Sip piña coladas
Shorty I could take you there
Or we can go to the slums
Where killas get hung

Shorty I could take you there'