A day spent wisely .. Today, we went through both good and bad times.. At first, we were suppose to have a match against Apple/Spirit Clan second team just like what we've blogged before, but then unfortunately, most of their players can't come due to transportation problem.. Due to that, we eventually contacted Hasmee a.k.a H4NTU || Trainer || and requested for a friendly match.. They don't even replied our text till HauxX contacted him through the msn and again they couldn't make it.. With broken hearted (right.. haha), we went to Netcom above Contessa today just to fill the day with our every Sunday CS playing.. Every one got there except for MinG Gu'uku.. Surprisingly, Sirian and mxplode bought a Razer Deathadder at the exhibition in mall Gadong and both used it.. HauxX borrowed mxplode's Razer Copperhead for the day..
Two hours passed and suddenly, at around 3, Team Prodigy appeared.. They offered us a match, but this time's only 4 against 4.. Since mxplode's feeling cold due the air conditioner, our 1st four line ups were: Sirian, HauxX, b0Nd and Demo.. de_dust2 was our first map.. On the first half, we were playing as the terrorist.. we managed to grab 6 points and obviously team prodigy got 9.. sides switched and we were pinned on the 1st few rounds.. But then, our team strategist, b0Nd, came out with a very unpredictable command, to rush where he commanded in packs.. It did work but unfortunately we failed to win this map.. Our second map was de_inferno and we were playing as the Counter-terrorist for the first half this time.. We pawned a lot in this map, especially b0Nd who fragged a lot.. He stabbed 3 players in this map.. We named him as todays "Player of the Match" for his outstanding performance and improvements.. Too bad the map couldn't be finished as they had to go earlier.. We could've won this map.. We ended our game as soon as the game finished and went straight to get our lunch (which it was around 4.30pm udah .. haha..xD)
Like our normal routine, we then went to the mall.. We went to see the Razer stuff again.. HauxX was pointing the loaded Razer Mantis then somehow Demo ran to the McDonalds.. He just realised that he left his Razer Mantis there.. He returned empty handed, his gear was stolen.. We checked every CC available which the thief can possibly play.. Our only clue was that the person was wearing a black shirt.. Therefore, our suspects are those who wore black.. xD Still, he couldn't be found.. mxplode and Sirian donated $10 each for Demo to buy a new one and back, we returned to the mall again..
Then we came out with lots of silly stuff to do:
- First, we went to the toilet to do some "business".. Demo was doing it, then somehow, Sirian approached the counter next to him and pretended to ask his name.. He was panicking.. But then, somehow we came out to take some pictures together, each with their own counter.. To make it sillier, we had to wear Razer Piranhas each.. Obviously, people got surprised.. xD We first did it in the toilet near to the Surau and next the one near to EGM.. See the pictures to understand more.. xD
-We then walked to RFCC.. On our way there, we passed by this photo shop.. mxplode dared HauxX and Demo to kiss the huge baby picture while b0Nd to take the shots of them doing so.. They insisted reasoning that it was very humiliating.. Again, without expectations, mxplode came with an idea to take a group photo in the studio and eventually all agreed.. We then took some shots there.. All with their own poses.. P.S: The pictures would be available by Sunday, March 9, 2008.. Be sure to see..=)
And here are some of the shots we took.. Enjoy..x)
Two hours passed and suddenly, at around 3, Team Prodigy appeared.. They offered us a match, but this time's only 4 against 4.. Since mxplode's feeling cold due the air conditioner, our 1st four line ups were: Sirian, HauxX, b0Nd and Demo.. de_dust2 was our first map.. On the first half, we were playing as the terrorist.. we managed to grab 6 points and obviously team prodigy got 9.. sides switched and we were pinned on the 1st few rounds.. But then, our team strategist, b0Nd, came out with a very unpredictable command, to rush where he commanded in packs.. It did work but unfortunately we failed to win this map.. Our second map was de_inferno and we were playing as the Counter-terrorist for the first half this time.. We pawned a lot in this map, especially b0Nd who fragged a lot.. He stabbed 3 players in this map.. We named him as todays "Player of the Match" for his outstanding performance and improvements.. Too bad the map couldn't be finished as they had to go earlier.. We could've won this map.. We ended our game as soon as the game finished and went straight to get our lunch (which it was around 4.30pm udah .. haha..xD)
Like our normal routine, we then went to the mall.. We went to see the Razer stuff again.. HauxX was pointing the loaded Razer Mantis then somehow Demo ran to the McDonalds.. He just realised that he left his Razer Mantis there.. He returned empty handed, his gear was stolen.. We checked every CC available which the thief can possibly play.. Our only clue was that the person was wearing a black shirt.. Therefore, our suspects are those who wore black.. xD Still, he couldn't be found.. mxplode and Sirian donated $10 each for Demo to buy a new one and back, we returned to the mall again..
Then we came out with lots of silly stuff to do:
- First, we went to the toilet to do some "business".. Demo was doing it, then somehow, Sirian approached the counter next to him and pretended to ask his name.. He was panicking.. But then, somehow we came out to take some pictures together, each with their own counter.. To make it sillier, we had to wear Razer Piranhas each.. Obviously, people got surprised.. xD We first did it in the toilet near to the Surau and next the one near to EGM.. See the pictures to understand more.. xD
-We then walked to RFCC.. On our way there, we passed by this photo shop.. mxplode dared HauxX and Demo to kiss the huge baby picture while b0Nd to take the shots of them doing so.. They insisted reasoning that it was very humiliating.. Again, without expectations, mxplode came with an idea to take a group photo in the studio and eventually all agreed.. We then took some shots there.. All with their own poses.. P.S: The pictures would be available by Sunday, March 9, 2008.. Be sure to see..=)
And here are some of the shots we took.. Enjoy..x)