Monday, July 14, 2008

Server's up!

okay... self-explanatory title. We bought the server from h3xa team, and name it for ourselves, The LLF Server, or something like that. Server will be running for 24/7, i think, but i don't guarantee that anyone will be play at ALL hours, hehe. If you can't find it in the internet servers, here's a direct IP:

Oh, one more thing; we'll be having matches through that server, so all you guys who wish to play against us, just ask away. We might consider for a match haha. Of course, you have to pay a couple of dollars (only $15! b0Nd came up with that, so complain to him if its too expensive), and during the whole match, the server will be closed from the public (duhh~)

One last thing, I got this video a couple of minutes ago , from Pittsy its very disturbing...

Your Lovably Cuddly Captain,
Zed ''cr0ss''