b0Nd here..... muahaha..=)
alright.. today was very unexpected.. i went to the mall and "terbali" Razer Piranha.. i was very curious of what mxplode said.. then as soon as i got to the mall i straightly looked for the "chong hock" pnya stall then trus beli.. tua was mumbling around pasal saya nak beli ini.. but diam jua last2.. she don't even care anymore.. xD

alright.. today was very unexpected.. i went to the mall and "terbali" Razer Piranha.. i was very curious of what mxplode said.. then as soon as i got to the mall i straightly looked for the "chong hock" pnya stall then trus beli.. tua was mumbling around pasal saya nak beli ini.. but diam jua last2.. she don't even care anymore.. xD

about the headset, i fairly agree that it is quite comfortable.. as i tested playing with it, i realised the sound is very clear and obviously better.. and about the microphone, i haven't tested it.. Demo is coming, so i'll be testing the mike with him.. hehh.. thanks mxplode for making me buying it.. xD ciaow..
PS: If u wanna buy it, u better be quick.. coz masa saya nak beli tadi, tinggal 2 saja.. then i bought one.. so tinggal 1 saja.. cepat sebelum terlambat.. xD